On an assembly line on 120 beats per minute, three dancers from different generations examine the theme of escapism. The home-made movies from touristic trips are mixed with dance club rituals in search for means to enter a state of somaholidays as described in the dystopian novel Brave New World by Aldous Huxley – an artificially induced catharsis, a threshold to more real reality without guilt, shame or civic accountability.
@Dainius Putinas
Concept: Vilma Pitrinaitė
With and by: Mantas Stabačinskas/Rasa Danilinaitė, Darius Algis Stankevičius, Vilma Pitrinaitė
Music: Arūnas Periokas
Dramaturgy and costumes: Rūta Junevičiūtė
Lighting design and video projections: Vladimiras Šerstobojevas
Premiered in « New Baltic Dance » festival, May 2018. Work in progress showings – Tanzhaus Zurich, Garage29, Charleroi Danse. Supported by: New Baltic Dance, Foyer à Marminiac, Kaunas Artists’ House, Kaunas Chamber Theatre, La Pépinière d’artistes Ville de Strasbourg, Tanzhaus Zürich, Garage29. Coproduction: Charleroi danse Centre Chorégraphique de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, DRAC Languedoc – Roussillon – Midi-Pyrénées, Lithuanian Council for Culture, Agence Culturelle d’Alsace.